Apricot Danish Pastry

Apricot Danish Pastry
Our Expert Recommendation for This Recipe
Servings - Prep Time - Cook Time -
  • 1000 gr GOLDEN EAGLE Flour
  • 120 gr sugar
  • 18 gr Instant Yeast
  • 3 gr Bread Improver
  • 15 gr salt
  • 80 gr Butter / Margarine
  • 1 whole egg
  • 500 gr cold water
  • 500 gr Butter Sheet Pastry / Korsvet
  • Sufficiently Apricot Fruit Jam
How to Make
  • Mix GOLDEN EAGLE Flour, sugar, instant yeast, bread improver, and salt.  Mix well.
  • Add the eggs and water to form a dough, add butter.  Stir at medium speed for 5-6 minutes (not until smooth)
  • Remove and let the dough stand for 1 -3 hours in the freezer.
  • Thin the dough with a thickness of ± 8 mm, place the butter sheet and fold it like an envelope.  Roll lengthwise with a thickness of 5 - 7 mm.  Do single folds, let the dough stand for 15 minutes in the freezer.
  • Thin it back, do the single fold again.  Let the dough stand for 15 minutes in the freezer, do the above steps once again.  Let the dough return in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  • Remove from freezer, thin the dough about ± 4mm.  Cut the size 6 cm x 6 cm, fill with apricot jam.  Fold the two sides, provoking for 50 minutes until fluffy.
  • Polish the top surface with a beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar.
  • Bake in the oven at 180⁰ C for 30 minutes until cooked.
  • Remove and chill.
  • Ready to be served.

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