Pandan Cheese Tulban

Pandan Cheese Tulban
Our Expert Recommendation for This Recipe
Servings - Prep Time - Cook Time -
  • 165 gr All-purpose Wheat Flour BOLA SALJU
  • 10 gr Maizena
  • 20 gr Milk Powder
  • 2 gr Baking Powder
  • 5 eggs
  • 150 gr sugar
  • 8 gr Cake Emulsifier
  • 135 gr Margarine (melted)
  • 5 gr Pandan Essence
How to Make
  • Combine dry ingredients BOLA MERAH flour, cornstarch, milk powder and baking powder. Sift and set aside.
  • Beat eggs and sugar until dissolved. Pour the flour and cake emulsifier mixture.
  • Stir gently until blended. Increase mixer speed, beat until stiff.
  • Add margarine and pandan essence, mix well.
  • Pour the mixture into a tin foil pan with a diameter of 20 cm, pour to a height of ¾ of the height of the pan.
  • Bake at 180⁰ C for 35 minutes or until cooked.
  • Remove the cake from the mold, let it cool.
  • Polish the surface of the cake with butter cream. Grate cheese on top.
  • Cut and serve.

Cara Memilih & Menyimpan Buah Pisang

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